How to Sound Better on Camera


Audio is 50% of a video, so paying attention to how you sound in your company’s professional video makes sense.

Here are 3 tips that you can use to sound better on camera:



Slow Down


Slowing down your speech will help you sound more trustworthy.  No one trusts a “fast talker”.  This also ensures the person watching your video can understand every word you are saying so the video has an impact.

Speak clearly and slowly and your message will be received.


Let the Mic Do the Work


Similar to lighting, ensuring your video has great audio is our job.  We do this by always providing the correct mic setup.  Sometimes we use a Lavalier mic that we secure to your shirt or we can use a shotgun mic.

Regardless of the mic setup, we ask that you let the mic do the work so we can control the volume on our end.  You’d be surprised but there’s no reason to shout into the microphone.  This will cause the audio to spike and turn the viewer off immediately.

Use your normal, smooth voice and we will handle the rest.


Take a Deep Breath


deep breath before video shoot


Before you start talking, take a deep breath.  This does a couple of things: it will relax your nerves so you come across as calm.  It also helps you to think about what you’re going to say so you sound confident.

Whenever we stop breathing when we get tense, it’s harder to think.

This is why after you’re in an argument you start thinking all of the things you WANTED to say.  When you’re in a disagreement, you tense up instead of breathing and you can’t think clearly.

So take a deep breath and the words will flow naturally.


Your Next Step

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